Thursday, November 15, 2007

I've been tagged by Laura.

Here goes...

Name 5 things you were doing 10 years ago:
1. Enjoying our first grandchild
2. Burying the love of my life
3. Crying a lot, trying to stay alive
4. Working at S.E.J.H.
5. Getting 2 daughters married

Name 5 things you were doing 5 years ago:
1. Getting use to a new husband.
2. Working at S.E.J.H. - then leaving it.
3. Moving from apartment to mobile home.
4. Enjoying more grandchildren
5. Spent time doing art.

5 things you were doing 1 year ago:
1. Wisdom teeth out.
2. Fighting pain and infection, preparing for a 6wk. hospital experience, which didn't happen
3. Went to Colorado on vacation
4. artwork
5. my new job at preschool

5 jobs you've had:
1. ice cream drive in place
2. floor manager women's clothing store
3. QC secretary at Shaffer Pen Co.
4. Bill Ward Photography
5. Teaching associate
(got lots more!)

5 favorite snacks:
1. pepsi
2. Hershey's chocolate bar
3. chocolate donuts with chocolate frosting
4. ice cream
5. cashews

5 things you did yesterday:
1. got my hair cut
2. got my hair dyed
3. worked in the morning
4. bought lightbulbs
5. fixed leftovers

5 things you'd do with a million dollars:
1. feed the hungry
2. clothe the naked
3. buy a house
4. buy Don a better car
5. give some to my kids

5 things you hate doing:
1. cooking
2. cleaning
3. going to funerals
4. going to the dentist
5. seeing my kids/grandkids hurting

5 shows you like:
1. Dancing with the Stars
2. The Bachelor
3. Everybody Loves Raymond reruns
4. Dr. Phil
5. Deal or No Deal

5 biggest joys in life:
1. the love of Jesus
2. loving my grandkids
3. enjoying/loving my girls
4. the love of Don
5. my parents' late years
(it's all about love)

1 comment:

emily said... I sort of started crying when I started reading this about your 10 years ago. LOVE YOU mom!!