Thursday, November 8, 2007

The Plant that will not die!

Seymore is inside to avoid the frost, but he hasn't made it to his winter spot yet. You can see that he is sprawling out like he thinks he's got all the room to himself. We need to tie him up and move him to my bathroom before he attacks the fishtank! I have had this plant for many many years. Laura has Seymora - a shoot off of Seymore. I have downsized him many times, each time wondering if I was going to kill him off, but he just keeps growing back. Any other plant I could kill without even trying to. But not this guy.


emily said...

I'm wondering how I can get a piece of him. I think he would love TX.

Connie said...

ooooooh, he would love TX. Let me think about that. Maybe it could ride on the plane with you if it doesn't take up its own seat! In the overhead? hmmmmm.