Friday, December 28, 2007


Oh, emmy, it's snowing again! It was coming down like crazy when we got up this morning and it's almost noon and still snowing though not as hard. We already have over 4 inches of new snow on top of what we already had. Now surely this will last until you get here. It's suppose to snow again New Years. I bet between all of us we could outfit you with warm layers of clothes and socks and boots, etc. and you could do some romping around in it! Don is still spunky but now we got more shoveling to do, so when it lets up more, he's out of here!


emily said...

Yessss!!!! I was thinking about it all the other day and was getting a little nervous about it. It's going to be a shocker for me! I don't know if I have enough layers (although Joe would probably disagree)Or anything heavy enough to keep me warm!!! But I can't wait to play in the snow!

Anonymous said...

Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passada lá no meu site, que é sobre o CresceNet, espero que goste. O endereço dele é . Um abraço.